Someone who missed the entire Scooterboy era of the 1980's, but has seen old copies of Scootering Magazine, and tries to copy the whole thing in a sanitised manner, drinking cans of Diet Coke, and saying hello to seaside holiday makers, (once he's unloaded his immaculate scooter from the van), and parked his 'display' up next to the beachside ice-cream van.
On his brand new denim jacket, he'll wear old ebay bought Paddy Smith Rally patches from places he couldn't find on a map, let alone ever visited... He'll never have slept drunkenly in a bus shelter, or gutter in his life.

He'll stay in B&B's.
He'll think Autos are 'cool'.
He'll probably work in an estate agency, will talk total bollocks about being involved in stories he's overheard in 'the Lud' at the IOW comedy mod gathering.
He'll be full of himself, and tons of bullshit.
A clueless Mummy's boy with enough money to have bought a scooter, deludedly thinking he bought the previous life of said scooter, and it's former owners.
He's convinced his own sad little mind that he has covered every mile it's ever been ridden, when it's only ever been ridden along the length of a seafront since it's shop built restoration.
A Comedy Scooterboy will generally be a middle aged socailly inept plonker, of the 'Billy No Mates' kind, trying to fit into a social group he never belonged to, (unconvincingly!!)
A wannabe comedy mod, minus the parka, a few flags and roundels, and a few tons of bolt on metallic tat!
Have you seen that plonker outside the King Lud, trying to convince evryone he rode down to the Isle Of Wight Scooter Rally from Inverness through a blizzard..?? His van's parked round the corner, and his scooter's tyres have never touched the road.... And he's driving licence says he lives in Brighton... What a comedy scooterboy!!

comedy mod
by Oohwallahwallah September 23, 2013
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A type of humor/satire poking fun at something usually seen as serious or taboo. It often utilizes shock value to get laughs and common themes include death, violence, insanity, racism and other things that are usually not seen as funny. It is commonly mistaken with African-American comedy because of the name, but not necessarily related.
Watch the movie Waking Ned Devine for to get an idea of what black comedy is.
by My pseudonym was taken October 3, 2010
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One of the funniest sketch comedy performances ever to hit Florida. The original show titled Improv was banned from being performed on campus of the strict private school. So, the appointed leader of Improv, Holton Lane decided to abandon the idea of abandoning the show and he created: ZERO COMEDY.

The show was a success bringing 700 people to fill the maximum capacity of the Ponte Vedre Concert Hall.
Jim: "Yo dude, did you see Zero Comedy? It was hilarious when they made fun of Jake!"
John: "Yeah man, but when they shat on Denver - that was comedy gold!"
by Barry McCokinner August 29, 2013
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A branch or style of comedy dealing with the humor in a scenario or events illustrating verbal, dramatic, or most often situational irony.
The procrastinators meeting got postponed. (Situational Ironic Comedy)
by Djfirhkfhvdjc July 18, 2014
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Someone who is not normally funny displaying brief and unexpected humor.
Marie-elaine is a comedy ninja, you never know where she will strike.
by dj freq July 26, 2005
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the only reason for my existence + the only reason i pay for cable instead of stealing it
comedy central is the best network ever
south park rules all bow down
by PlayDohMan April 24, 2004
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A form of comedy in which serious issues such as cannibalism, rape, genocide, terminal illnesses, etc. are treated humorously. Often more disturbing than funny.
Black Comedy is not a racial or urban issue. It is a genre of comedy.
by osudean June 22, 2005
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