when your penis gets pinched by your fly zipper
"OW I just had a clench bit"
by mental663 September 21, 2019
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A Swayze Clench is the tightest grip (on anything) invented.

This term was discovered while watching Dirty Dancing with my girlfriends and we realized that the movie is just a way for women to get their fill of foreplay - the two main characters only kiss a few times and you don't even see them have sex!

So a Swayze Clench was born - meaning a death grip or tight handed grip on something (an idea, an object, a thought)...
Bob has a Swayze Clench on that piece of cake!
by keyestones September 24, 2009
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Another name for a try-hard. this is the act of being the try hard.
After working long hours at his job, Michael had to stay over and work overtime. You can say he had clenched buttcheeks.
by Dick Changler March 22, 2015
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The most attractive form of a male butt.
Becky: Wow, Andrews butt is so nice!
Erica: Yeah, he has a clench butt.
by Onebadcookie November 14, 2018
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A for profit clench/schism/subsect of the Church of the Subgenius, with a specific intent to buy out J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, own and dominate, the Church of the Subgenius.

A fraternal club of freaks, weirdos, and other unusual creatures.
Your grounded for going to that "Clench of the Dragonfly" cult meeting.

Joining the "Clench of the Dragonfly" is the stupidest idea ever.

Those greedy bastards at "Clench of the Dragonfly" will never raise the 5.5 billion dollars needed to buy out "Bob"
by Doktor Agon Fly January 14, 2004
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An Holy Meat Clench is the act of using holy water to masturbating vigorously.
Did you hear, Bobby did a Holy Meat Clench right in the middle of mass!
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A state when the temperature is so low, that in addition to you shivering and rubbing your arms, your ass cheeks press together in order to prevent a heat loss from your buttocks.
You'll freeze to death if you go out in that Ass-Clenching Cold Weather!
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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