Big mole nigga witta lil Peter A.K.A chode. Also he gets no pussy cuz he's a fat lazy cunt with self-esteem issues and resorts to narcissism to help him him think he's all that.
Carl has no penis
by LongNipple Tip January 7, 2019
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A piece of over confident shit that goes for younger girls
by Eatdatpussy69 August 13, 2017
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Any one of the fellas you see wearing polos, too-big cargo khakis and/or ill-fitting jeans, and (most importantly) those big 'ol white New Balance sneakers. Large native population found at Georgia Tech's campus.
Person 1: "Do you think there's like, a secret cult of people that dress like that? Like do they all agree to do that, or it just kinda happens?"
Person 2 : "Ehh better not to think too much about it. They're just the Carls of the world."
by gatechfacts December 8, 2018
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An individual who has evolved into somewhat of an urban legend at the music festival Electric Forest in Rothbury, MI. All you hear all weekend is "Where's carl???" Originally based either on the artist who shows up at every show or on a kid who went missing the first day of the fest and didn't get reunited with his crew till the last day.
Day one, Person one: "WHERE'S CARL??!"
Day 2, Everyone: " WHERE IS CARL?????!!"
Last day: "WHERE IS--"
by Bobbfet September 24, 2013
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Carl is basically the most uncool person ever. People don't care about the person's name, so they call them a carl. They sit in the bathrooms for lunch because no one likes them. Are you a carl?
Ew, do u see that carl dude. He's such a carl.
by AlaylayChips October 19, 2016
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A Carl is somebody that doesn't give a SHIT about anything. No actually he will give SHIT to anybody. A Carl will take a shit in trash can at the Holiday Inn, then try to fling it around the room like a monkey. Carls enjoy letting friends watch him shit and take bets on places he will take a shit next. Carls are really dirty, they enjoy eating Doritos while they shit.
A Carl will also sleep with anything that has a Vagina. Be it a human, or animal speicies.
Hmmmm. This room smells really shitty.
Yeah, check the trash can, there's probably a Carl in it.
by Carl's Dads Dad March 8, 2010
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When one gets pussy whipped by a girl this is know as a Carl move.
"That is such a Carl move"
"Stop Doing the Carl"
"I'm not a Carl" (Dont be fooled by this as this is also a Carl thing to say)
by Friend of a Carl June 14, 2018
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