Going out of your way to be nice or to help someone.
Helping someone on the side of the road fix a flat, you just Canadianed the hell out of them
by forest S October 15, 2013
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If you fit these two criteria, you are a canadian...
1. Pronounce about "aboot", and turn every sentence into a question, eh?
2. Get involved in absolutely nothing having to do with war.
Us canadians don't know what this war is aboot, eh?
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Courgageous defenders of all the worlds' less fortunate and those who have injustice and wrong being done upon them.
Historys' toughest soldiers with the biggest smiles and the by far largest hearts.
Men and Women of every race and culture living together in perfect harmony with little to no recognition of their differences.
Inventers of some of the worlds' most important inventions such as the Telephone and Insulin.
Also home to all those who are oppresed no matter how badly or who they are. (*cough* African Americans *cough*)
Oh and William Shatner.
Greg: Canada? Canada sucks!

Chris: What do you actually know about Canada?

Greg: Um.. Canada sucks! USA USA USA!

Chris: Uh Huh.

Greg: Wait aren't you American.

Chris: Yeah, and I know what's better.

Yeah remember when you all retreated on the beachs of Normandy and the Canadians' didn't? Because I sure as hell do.
by Robert Richardson Ronaldson August 21, 2010
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The best country ever, with good beer, tons of snow and good skiing. Other benefits is, unlike the americans we have some non-obese people and only a fraction of our population eats McDonalds every day.

We are the best skiiers, hockey players and skaters , other than maybe russians.
Basically we are awesome.
Frank: Why are you so happy?
Joe: I just realized something.
Frank: What?
Joe:We are Canadians and..I live in CANADA!!!!!!!!!!
Frank: YEAH!!
by Jess278 February 18, 2011
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A group of people who live in the 51st state of the United States of America, aka Canada. Most Canadians do not know they are Americans and act startled when informed of this fact.Even though they are Americans they go out of their way to differentiate themselves. Generally stupider than most Americans. Canada is the only state with its own passport.

Would be smarter if they deported the French speakers.
Costa Rican Immigration: Hello sir, may I see you passport?
Canadians: Oh sure, just here to party and molest little ticas.
Costa Rican Immigration: OK,we love Americans.
Canadians: Wow!! I never knew we were Americans.
by The Cali Kid January 11, 2008
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A term used by people in the service industry for difficult customers who leave little to no tip. This term is often used for African Americans, and Foreigners, including actual Canadians, that tend to act like they do not understand the American system of working for tips and getting paid next to nothing hourly!!(which is how the term started) In countries other than the USA waiters get paid hourly rates, and tend to not receive tips so, when they travel to the USA they either don't know they should tip, or pretend they don't know in order to cheat their server. Unfortunately African Americans tend to also fall into this category of incredibly low insulting tips or just no tips at all.
Man, I'll never be able to pay rent, or feed my kids if I keep getting all these tables of Canadians not tipping me worth crap! I mean I'm not here waiting tables for free!! :-(
by ReelTawk April 28, 2012
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Great Beer, Cheap smokes and the best damn Dope around!
Bob: We have some good beer, eh?
Doug: It's great to be Canadian!
by biggybiggerstein March 10, 2010
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