When two very bad (shit) parties/individuals/teams come tomorrow to make a larger, even worse (shittier) collaboration.

Based on the practice of 'bowling' where two males would rub their assholes together thus making a larger shitpiece.
The Jaguars against The Jets? Why is the London NFL game always a fucking Brighton Bowl

Which bright spark chose to invite McFly and Busted to The Brighton Bowl.
by FINdiddley December 18, 2020
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A place where no matter how hard you try you'll never be happy unless you're white, rich, and athletic. Everyone's fake and snobby. If you live here you're either a bitch, a hoe, a douche, or a thirty year old mom with the only accomplishment in her life is her being captain of her cheer team in high school. For the love of God, don't live here.
"Have you ever visited Brighton Michigan?"
"Oh my god man I wish I hadn't. What a white trash town."
by awkwardquesadilla420 May 19, 2020
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The act of multiple people being penetrated sexually by the legs of an upturned Barstool (with 4 legs).
“Me and my friends were feeling sore in the morning from a night of Brighton Barstooling
by B-0110 July 11, 2022
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Brighton Pier is a place where homosexuals gather at night to meet and have sex.
This is usually under the influence of the drug poppers.
Guy 1: "what you on tonight?"
Guy 2: "going brighton pier you down?
by Love SOSA October 13, 2013
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The insanely unrealistic twisting two homosexual men would have to do to in order that they would each be simultaneously penetrating the other. In the ass.

No mouthsies!
Darth Vader looked at the drop of sweat rolling down Möbius’s back, over the taint and on to the top of his face, which finally fell sensuously off his nose and into his mouth. From the single twist of Möbius’s sinewy back and the way he was giving himself head, Darth knew he was in for a treat of hyperspatial Brighton Yoga.’ – Probably some fanfiction somewhere.
by 535 January 28, 2012
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Brighton MA is basically the college town of Boston that comes alive at night. While it is also a great town for families. known to many as Gods Country, its just a great neighborhood to live in. Its the best town in Boston to live in.
Theres a huge banger in Brighton MA tonight, it'll be lit.
by brightonked June 22, 2017
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A suburb of Minneapolis with almost no middle class. There is a decent amount of rich folk residing primarliy inside wexford heights and then the rest of the area is filled with Blacks, Mexicans and of course a lot of white trash. A city that many assume should be a quite city but actully has a fair amount of crime and gangs.
See that 40 year old white guy in the trailer park drinking Natty Ice, He must be from new brighton.

I walked threw poly the other day and saw about a million niggers packin heat.

Hey did you hear that 2/3 of the workers at the mcdonalds on silver lake road got deported yesterday
by Samcasselmakesitrain10 December 29, 2011
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