Hallucinogenic mushrooms, used due to its rhyming with shrooms
Did you eat those booms?

I am so fucking peaking.


Purple Monkey Dishwasher.
by seleta July 29, 2004
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When someone is extremely mentally compromised while competing in an activity
Andrew: "Why is New York playing so terribly now? They looked fine earlier."
Conner: "They are boomed"
by Butters_PC November 9, 2019
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Adjective:~ Tasty; Good; Fantastic; Great, etc.

Colloquial, primarily, to the south of the UK. Used in adjective form, typically before an object. Pronounced speedily, with a blunt emphasis to the middle, it's "oo" become almost a "u" sound. Different from typical pronunciations of "Boom". This is otherwise used in its longer form, "Boom-ting!" - Used to describe a sexy person, item or article of clothing.

Phonetic: "b-u-m" (really.)
"This is some boom food!"

G :"What did you think of the new single?"
P: "Yeah, I liked it. The video was ace, the song is boom."

"YO she is boomting!"
by Jessticlez May 7, 2018
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A boom boom is a slang term for retard. Usually refering to a level of iq,type of class for a subject ( there are three classes advanced , normal , and boom boom.) can be used in the place of the word fuck off , dumbshit , dipshit ...ect.
Thank god im not in the boom boom class.

You are a fuckin boom boom.

Whats your iq level? Boom boom?
by Justin beber is a fag June 17, 2010
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Oh dear, I flatulated and several large boom booms slid down my pants leg onto the floor during my job interview.
by The REAL Harry Scrote February 7, 2011
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A Boom moment is one of the best feelings in your life.

Normally a feeling for/from another or
Something amazing has/is about to happen!

Wow! That was a boom moment.
by missyss June 25, 2014
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A grossly-overused word often shouted as an exclamation to an otherwise ordinary sentence.
{The douche on the Mercari commercial}: All I do is snap a few pics, add a description, and boom! It's listed.
by Telephony February 5, 2020
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