Small city where i grew up, while boring it's much better than Elmira and the surrounding cities. There are things to do, you just have to lokk around a little bit.
located in southern NY
by Mia March 6, 2005
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People in Hancock, Upstate (yes I'm not even giving them the dignity of having 'New York' after their town, I'm from the city) think that Binghamton is a big city.
by Larry February 28, 2004
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I lived in the "Greater Binghamton Area" for 18 years. After having lived in both Binghamton and New York City, I know that it's all what you make of it. There's just as many dirty places and just as many clean places(percentage-wise). Just as many upity snobs, just as many nice, down-to-earth people. NYC even has beautiful rolling hills like binghamton's, they're just farther away. It's all about perspective. In summation, Binghamton is really just NYC scaled down...ALOT.
binghamton is a little wannabe new york city
by griegor June 7, 2006
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Alright, Binghamton is a good place, and the slander of it all is ridiculous. I lived in Binghamton for 10 years and plan on moving back after i graduate. All of the long island ass-monkeys need to mind their own business and keep their droll idiotic sense of humor and miopic opinions to themselves. Binghamton is a great place to live. True it is very cloudy most of the time, there is a small population, and it seems to get a little droll itself. There is a massive up side to the area though. The people are friendly and will be nice if you are nice to them. The area is clean considering the amount of crappy houses on Susquehanna street. There is very little "gang activity." The people that move into the area for college and then move out after words dont experience Binghamton at and the only thing they see is a little back water town that they cant believe their parents are sending them to. These people are the ones that need to not only get out of Binghamton but that need to get off the face of the earth. You shouldnt talk badly about the city becuase it could be a lot worse. If you dont believe me, visit Monticello,NY, stay there for about a week and you will walk back to Binghamton and be glad doing it because you will look foward to the city atmosphere and the droll depressing city sky. So if you dont have anything noce to say, especially people that live in the city of Binghamton, keep your thoughts to yourself.
by Medical School Drop-Out April 11, 2008
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Binghamton is actually a pretty average place! If you go to university, then you dont even know where the heart of binghamton is or really anything about the real Binghamtonites and ho we pass our days, so please, do shut up. Go read a book and leave us all alone, or better yet, transer to another school ya namby pambys!!
Binghamton, in small doses, with the proper company and events is just as enchanting as any other Small Town, USA.
by AngieB January 1, 2007
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A public university in Up-state New York that is filled to the brim with people from Long Island. The school is notorious for having "frats" that are no more than a group of ambiguously gay men living together that like to invite high school girls over to "party."
It is known to provide a good education, if one can survive the long islanders, new york citiers, and "frat" boys.
-Yo look at that kid over there buying those high school girls drinks with his mom's credit card... He must go to Binghamton University
by cowssssssssssssssss February 23, 2009
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