Milwaukee’s Best Light. The only beer found at UD and many other college campuses. Horrible taste but you get used to it only because it does the job.
I need to get some Beast/food in me.
by Jeff K October 3, 2002
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Man, I drank the beast last night and now I can't get of the hopper.
by Laxin MoFo June 3, 2004
Get the The Beast mug. who is the top dog,the shit animal that frightens people
by JERKER19 July 17, 2010
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An adjective used to describe someone who enjoys beastiality and finds animals sexually attractive.
1:"My dog is licking my crotch"

2:"You're so beast
by HooLoO October 22, 2009
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anything that people think is cool or impressive; synonymous with "da bomb"
After he painted black flames on his truck, all his friends said it was a beast.
by Jimbobbykins June 28, 2005
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1) (archaic use) an animal of any sort, usually a large one.
2)A person who is really good at something.
3) A person who is really ripped; muscular; athletic in a particular area, espcially one that requires muscular strength; etc. (usually male)
3) A female who's tall, muscular, and really good at some sort of athletic activity, usually a violent, rough, or just really hard one.
1) "the beasts of the field"
2) "Andy is such a beast at ping pong."
3) "Man, Andy's a beast."
4) "Cindy plays field hockey, lacrosse, and football. Dang, she's such a beast!"
by andriod5 March 30, 2006
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