a container used for smuggling immigrants, in which the immigrant is hidden inside a sealed container that is shipped by boat to a destination that is sometimes unknown until after arrival.
Dude! I want to get out of this country. Where can I find a border barrel?
by D.S. Credito April 2, 2015
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the use of government funds for private projects. These projects usually benefit campaign contributers or a certain constituency. the pork is usually earmarked to appropriations bills, so that they will be guaranteed passage in Congress.
A highway bill in 2005 was filled with pork barrel politics, including more than $900 million for private projects in Alaska.
The 2007 Defense and Homeland Security Appropriations Act included over $13 billion in pork.
by jppsuu1331 November 20, 2007
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When you tell people you surfed a barrel but you've really been surfing shitty little waves all day
Joes says he's been catching barrels at south head, but I reckon he's just been getting shitty little graeme barrels
by Graeme Yarbles January 3, 2017
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Gaming term.
A red barrel is any object that will explode violently when shot, damaging all surrounding objects/enemies.
Almost all shooters have red barrel.
It does not have to be red, nor does it have to be a barrel.
First appeared in the FPS Doom, wherein barrels of toxic waste would explode when shot, turning nearby enemies into piles of red slush.
If you shoot that red barrel, you can take them all out.
Damn! I just got killed by my own red barrel!
by The Incredible D May 11, 2009
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Surgically removing the top of a beer can (preferably a Natty Ice) with a can opener so an individual will be able to expose themself to maximum beer chugging capability.
Male 1: I don't have the steady hands or the technology to chug this beer.

Male 2: Don't be a vagine, get a can opener and turn that can into a monkey barrel.
by Dikembe Fratumbo January 27, 2011
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this is generally used to describe a man with a very broad and deep chest. Usually the person has a naturally large ribcage, very round, and will have lots of upper body strength.
Those guys that pull trains and whatnot, they're generally very barrel chested.
by Mr. dibbles March 6, 2008
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it is when your push out the leftover semen out of your shaft after a fap shession
Last night I came so hard that I had to clean the barrel after
by hahasuka June 7, 2014
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