Is a slag and pak1 who bangs out some dead game. However he is very sexy and likes sucking cock
by Iamsomeoneverysexy July 10, 2021
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"Ur an ayaan"
Ayaan: A slow, retarded person. Usually the type that has a massive ego
Example: Person one: I triggered an alarm by pulling a device plug in Best Buy

Person two: You're an ayaan

Person 1: I am the greatest person to ever walk the earth

Person 2: Stop being an Ayaan
by nut_ March 4, 2022
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Absolute Unit
Very Sexy
Insanely Jacked

Best Linebacker in history

Hard hitter
Oh my god is that Ayaan i’m literally creaming and i’m a dude no way!
oh my god is ayaan that hot he turned u gay?
OMG Ayaan is such a hottie and i wanna smash him and give him my bra strap
by ObamasLeftPec November 8, 2021
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A gay faggot that doesn't know how to use his ears or the fucking mic that is right in front of that dumb cunt
Omg Ayaan is being Ayaan again what a dumb cunt
by August 20, 2022
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A Smart Guy Who Looks Handsome And Is Really Good At Gaming. People do be jealous of him and tease him but, he has a good heart to think properly. He is not jobless to simp for others instead, others Simp For Him.
You You Like Ayaan(Handsome)
Bro U Are so good at Gaming...U are an Ayaan(A Beast).
by Cycoosi September 29, 2020
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Ayaan is a horrible guy . Do not fall in love with him cause he will crush you . He smells of musty cigarettes and thinks he’s hard when he’s 2 foot tall . They have pubic facial hair and look like a hairy seahorse .
Nirmani : ‘ omg I like ayaan 😍 ‘
Zuleikha : ‘ what is wrong with you he is a horrible person ‘
by http jongho March 15, 2022
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