doing something or experiencing something at such a level that it becomes annoying. (like listening to too much ska, or radiohead)
Dear sir/madam, Please desist said action because it's unbeleivably irritating. If this request is not met within an adequate amount of time, I will kill you with a rusty shovel"
by poopsmith June 16, 2003
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the word that all older siblings use to describe their younger brother or sister
Guy one: i was talking to my girlfriend last night when my little brother came into the room..

Guy two:dude. was he annoying?

Guy one: obiously
by TrUKK April 13, 2011
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most refered to someone with the name gabriel or bryan
Gabriel is so annoying
by TherealSouthParkCreatorFR March 29, 2022
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A piece of shit that doesnt leave you alone for example you are sitting in class behind the annoying kid
and then he turns around the whole fucking time thinking you want to talk lik dude gtfo it isnt that intresting in the back of the class turn around bitch.
annoying kid: "comes towards you at break"
me: "...."
annoying kid: "hey"
me: "hi"
annoying kid: "puts his sweaty hand on my shoulder"
me: "..... can you plz take ur hand of my shoulder"
annoying kid: "no"
me: "fuck you this is y no one likes you no one likes you"
annoying kid: "ok?"
me:" visible anger"
the kid: starts laughing like where friends

so if you are a person like this get help.
by yemak March 14, 2021
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It’s basically a definition of my cousin Timmy and Vincent.
by Question man123 December 10, 2021
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