Stands for anti-American Ignorance. An a.i. is anyone who dislikes or insults Americans for no reason.
That European reporter is blaming the USA for Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.
What a typical A.I.
by mr. stuart March 2, 2005
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To severely shake an object, usually to create an annoying repetetive sound, which is done to show anger or frustration towards the object or towards a person.
It is an onomatopoeia of the noise that a grey mail storage box (commonly found on the urban streets of the UK) makes when rocked back and fourth.
"Don't make me ai you out!"
"I've been keeping the old women awake by giving their gate an ai"
by NigelNeg June 14, 2008
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its not just Juelz santana saying it for the heck of it. it's meaning "oh" . a Latin American or even Filipino way to say "oh"
"ai! where is he????"
by filaPINAcolada November 23, 2006
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someone who is retarded and obese with a mustache
wow you're such an AI
by rabbirocko November 28, 2019
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Dick, is "ain't" in the dictionary?

Yes, Jane, it ai.
by Milt Alwin May 10, 2009
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If Iverson is the answer, the question is who can't win a championship.

Iverson is an overrated NBA basketball player. He got schooled in the 2001 NBA Finals by Kobe and the Lakers. The only teammate he has ever gelled with is fellow choker Chris Webber.
Man did you see AI against the Lakers last night?
- Yeah, dude, he choked almost as bad as Chris Webber in the playoffs.
by Troy Aikman January 31, 2007
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