Derived from Brittany Higgins,
An accusation that was never proven.
She chucked a Higgins on the bloke, now his career is over and he lost his mates.

Just aquire someone to chuck a Higgins and their life is pretty well over.
by Kmc-brah September 22, 2023
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This would be a good phrase to describe someone who chats a load of shit but cant back it up. For example they would be the first to call you a virgin but you know full well he has had no female interaction for a good year. can be found inside mostly playing video games whilst shit talking every single person they come across. sometimes goes outside.
yeah he reminds me of ben higgins.
by shutthefuckupyoufatneek June 17, 2020
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When one masturbates one's partner with one's extra large feet so as to deposit the partner's semen in one's mouth. It is also necessary for said partner to screech like a hawk while the masturbator imagines a hawk's head on the partner's shoulders.
Damn, that motherfucker is hawking the higgins with relish; too bad his parade will be rained on by the fire of fury's love juice.
by In the next room August 29, 2006
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Part of Swishahouse in early time. Has connections with Paul Wall and Chamillionaire.
Jon Higgins was freestylin it with Paul Wall.
by Sexy Kid June 24, 2006
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The word titanic is applied to someone who goes overboard. The higgins is added when a person goes so far overboard that it is hilarious.
titanic: Joe purchased 5 kegs of beer for his Y2K party

titanic higgins: To prepare for Y2K Titanic Higgins purchased 500 pounds of oatmeal, 500 pounds of wheat, a deisel powered generator, 500 gallons of fuel, 1000 rounds of 22 ammo and buried $1000 worth of change in the yard. He spent new years eve in his bunker in the basement.
by higgins January 25, 2005
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the best fucking girl you could ever ask for.
perfect in every way hair,eyes, and practically everything.
angela is one of the most outgoing people, loves her friends( well sometimes )

and most of all

loves branden. :)
angela higgins no girl can be better. :)
by branden cardinal July 10, 2009
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