Something said that’s irrelevant or meaningless to you or the public in general. Scat-like mumble jumbo. A synonym would be “whatever.”
Hey, did you hear about _blah, blah, blah_?
Ma-Ma-se, Ma-Ma-sa
by Tsfo8 May 30, 2023
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1. A phrase one would use to pretend to be italian.

2. A phrase one would use if one was italian

3. A phrase a pasty little guy named Mario uses repeatedly . . . and is italian
Ma Ma Mia, that's-a spicey meatball
by Monkeygrease July 31, 2005
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another way to call somebody "man," but with a central/southern american slang added to it.
Refugee, "Whassup maing?"
Me, "Nothin' much, ref."
by spk- October 7, 2007
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Male Answer Syndrome - All men have this to varying degrees. Some will talk about what the government out to do to get out of debt with some big words, and other stuff which only sounds smart. When in reality, this said guy can't even balance his own check book. Most men feel the need (and act on it) to sound smart (and are often covincing, espcially to women who usually "respect what a man says" or they just play dumb and let him yap sounding mystied the whole time).
MAS afflicted male1: Yah see, torque is the square tangent of the physics of when the tire pressure is uh... galvenized.
Listener1: Ohhh. Wow.
Listener2: (thinks: w/e, this guy is such an idiot).
by Agilio October 24, 2005
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Mas is short for Masquerade. It is used throughout the Caribbean diaspora to describe Carnival costumes.
A person who wears a costume at Carnival is "playing Mas".
by NHCisWe February 17, 2020
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Used in MMORPG (e.g. World of Warcraft) to denote who everyone takes their target from. Short for Main Assist
Leeroy will be our MA today so everyone take his target
by Z Mayes June 21, 2005
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Something you say when you fuck up big time
Person 1: Did you just stab me?
Person 2: Ma Ma Mia!!!!!
by Andie S. November 16, 2005
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