See wordNarcissist/word.
by Blah August 9, 2003
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Middle finger,fu,f**k off,p**s off,s**ew you
Peter:"You are stupid and ugly Micheal" Micheal:".I.."
by Cintiaa January 22, 2008
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this is offically the new 69 . kool people use this while IMing
Mike: 696996969
Judy: You're so lame. im so not having sex with you

next day

Mike: i!i!i!i!i!i!i
by the muffiinwala March 2, 2009
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A letter added to the beginning of words by companies who think it will sell more of their products.
Guy 1: "Hey lets sell this fan and we'll call iFan!"

Everyone else: "Brilliant!, simply brilliant! It will sell just like an iPod!"

by James1410 August 24, 2007
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What every teen girl says in every sentence for literally no fucking reason
Person: hi
Teen girl: i-
Person: finish your sentence
Teen girl: you- i-
by Dreqmss December 9, 2020
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Known to most as the /i/nsurgency wiki, where 4chan coordinates it's ongoing projects and raids, such as project chanology. It also documents old raids and contains extremely useful "tools" and information.
Dude, have you seen that new raid they're planning on /i/ yet? It's gonna be fucking epic.
by teh_pwnzr February 9, 2009
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