typically private Instagram account in which the use is to follow scandalous or explicit accounts. Not wanting to appear in the main account. in the use to nut to the pictures posted.
Dude my nut account is a certified nut I never use Porn now!!!!
by hoodwinters January 27, 2021
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when a black mans balls are the size of an egg, he has thug nuts
"Wow! That gangster really has thug nuts!"
"I wish my nuts were that big!"
by PPHRD October 15, 2018
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A quick way to say “them-nuts”
Elizabeth: Hey! They’re walking away

by AmyJohnson October 9, 2019
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Oi bruv did were you nutting in the rumpus last night with (insert Dick joke here)
by Bruhnana man February 14, 2021
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The act of pulling your nuts out in front of a female and then putting them away when she notices.
Guy 1: I did a sneaky nut today
Guy 2: God really who was it

Guy 1: The chicks playing handball
Guy 2: nice what did they do
Guy 1: well i stole there ball and gave it to drew then the hot one came and asked for the ball then i showed her my nuts and said you want these balls. she started to blush and asked for the ball again then we chucked the ball down the quad .
Guy 2: Nice
by yumyumyum43 May 11, 2018
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The act of pulling one testicle above your shorts and putting it back once noticed.
When was your last sneaky nut.
by ClemDawg227 September 26, 2016
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