The act of diminishing or destroying the original meaning or purpose of an entity (be it individual, location, building, group, etc) during the act of building it up (building up the image, adding to the building, adding more rules to a group, etc). Not to be confused with hype, which is the building up of expectation.
Guy 1: “Man the club used to be so fun, now its just a drag, what happened?”
Guy 2: “Destruction through construction, id say it happened when that one guy came in and added all those rules.”
by Jacob Mei April 21, 2010
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A guy whose only attention is entertainment, usually in regard of sex. Lack seriousness and doesn't care about main ambition and simple focus is to 'come through' usually to the woman involve in their lives
being defined:
Lydia: Mac is such a come through guy, he text me to meet like 6 times this week!

Casey: well he does that with everybody, come through guys are just constantly in or out and don't give a shit.
by QuinnBethany96 December 22, 2017
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A christmas blog:

provides lists of christmas carols and songs, christmas tree ideas, card designs, wallpapers, photos and lyrics.
christmas creep
Spreading Christmas Cheer
by feliznavidad May 7, 2012
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The color of Richard Speight, Jr.'s eyes.
Person 1: Okay, so how would describe the color of Richard Speight, Jr.'s eyes? Hazel? Gold?
Person 2: Dude, I love you but you are a great big bag o' dicks if you don't know Rich's eye color is sunshine going through a glass of whiskey.
by LPCollins December 12, 2018
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To sleep through Yasi means to sleep through lots of noise. In January 2011 Cyclone Yasi swept through Northern Queensland making landfall at around midnight. It had winds of 280kph.
The kids had me awake all night last night with their noise. My husband didn't hear a thing... That man could Sleep through Yasi.
by icoinedthephrase February 5, 2011
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A sentence commonly used by Uber riders towards Uber drivers as a way to avoid offering a cash tip without feeling guilty.
“Hey, can I tip through the app now?” ... “yeah Uber added that recently.” ... “oh awesome I will totally do that!” ... (the tip never shows up)
by saltlickcity October 24, 2017
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