Remember when you fell
“Yeah that hurted
by Antdogurmum1234 October 21, 2018
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When V*** questions your super skilled english

A fancy word for ouch
Did you do the math homework?

No it made my brain hurted
by Stanloooona August 14, 2018
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hurted is hurt but with a d periodt
that kinda hurted me tho
by joanannanan April 7, 2020
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When you don't have proper grammar and meant hurt
person1: that hurted
person2: that's not a word
by javthenohomo February 19, 2020
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getting emotionally hurted
“that sh*t hurted”
by aisrod November 23, 2019
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When you feel emotionally hurt so you just say hurted
Bob- You are really ugly

Sally- Wow that hurted
by Hi_im_here September 22, 2019
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