1. A foetal stage artist in the womb of their emerging career.

2. A suppressive term that allows youth to eliminate the outdated term equally implied ageist term "emerging artist".

3. Doesn't apply to men.
nah forget her, she's not emerging. oh wait she is, but she's not young enough to be early emerging artist. he is though.
by absoluteexpert69 December 7, 2021
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"Artist" said with a brooklyn accent could translate to "autist"
Guy 1: Dude, stop being such a brooklyn artist.
Guy 2: The hell are you talking about?
Guy 1: You're acting like an autist
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Theme park music artist who makes some dutty theme park riddims.
Yo, did you hear Dylz The Artist new track?! Spinning my head like colossus, dutty track!
by Dutty Dictionary 101 November 23, 2021
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A slime shop that sells various slimes with beautiful colours and creative names!
by Jasmine Jeffrey May 25, 2019
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People that use lighting and angles to make themselves look attractive and thin in photos. Pretty much if someone only has face shots that were taken from above you can guarantee they're fat.

Source: Reddit
That's what I said. I left after an awkward few minutes, texted her later politely saying I was more hoping to hang out one-on-one, and never heard back. I struck gold when I first downloaded Tinder a couple of months ago, but since then it's just been conversations that go nowhere, a few shitty dates, and angle artists.
by Arkbg1 December 26, 2014
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