A Person who is a heavy dumb alcoholic who doesn't give a shit about "THE BOY"
by 12345678Jeff21 May 12, 2023
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I know damn right you did not just look up Homer Simpson
Dude watch The Simpsons on Fox then you will know who the fuck Homer Simpson is
by Puss_bot June 1, 2020
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A Homer Simpson is a lovable dumb person who is a bit like an ape.
Fat husband: I’m gonna go put my hand in the blender.

Wife: Oh, you’re such a Homer Simpson!
by 12221hehwhe June 25, 2021
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A university library that has nearly no books about sexuality outside of marriage. Representing the Christian ideals of CMA (Christian Missionary Alliance) doctrine who acts like Big Brother to the school. Yet have an entire section on how to practice black magic.
Damn, I can't find any books on Tarrot Card reading that's prejuidice to gay people. I need a Simpson University Library
by Thomas Dogoode December 1, 2016
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The art of hanging out and binge watching the Simpson's, best enjoyed with a fellow Simpson's enthusiast.
by Bort thompson July 24, 2021
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