Jim:John you have ligma
John : what's ligma
Jim : lig-ma-balls
by January 18, 2022
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Ligma is a very common infection it involves stomach pain, dizziness, EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, and being called a L Bozo.
Ligma is very funny joke you can say.

You: Have you heard that John caught Ligma

Friend: What is Ligma

Ligma Balls.
by Candice Infection February 18, 2022
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A deadly disease that is cast upon whom asks.
eg."yo man my man ninja died from ligma"
Friend:"what's l.." "don't ask..."
eg."yo man my man ninja died from ligma"
Friend:"what's l.." "don't ask..."
by ur_man_with_definitions October 27, 2018
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It refers to a disease that is an fortnite addiction, Fortnite is a battle royale game that sucks which is why Ligma’s meaning is a Fortnite addiction; additionally it is also a joke and if you don’t know it the person who asked ligma will proceed to say balls, which also leads to the conclusion that Fortnite sucks ass enough to have an addiction to it named a joke called Ligma.
“Did you know that Steve Jobs died of Ligma?” “What’s Ligma?” “Ligma balls
by Sauron the evil April 28, 2023
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Ligma is a disease spread by many other insects when someone or something has died
by Junkieonvicksinhaler May 13, 2021
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