Electric feeling from start to finish when a girl gives a perfect deep blow job
When she feels like it's time for me to cum, the electric queen deepthroats me non-stop and uses her hand at my base. This time the orgasm was so intense, it spread through my whole body and went on for at least a minute. It felt like I was having multiple orgasms. I lost track of where I was and who I was and just became lost in the pleasure. I couldn't even move for half an hour... my whole body felt electric and every time she touched me I would shiver.
by MadamJedi November 16, 2021
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When somebody puts a greenlight on you and invites you on a trip in their car and they have it rigged with an amp to kill you with...
Ayo you're sitting on an electric chair don't ya know you better bounce
by Anti balance May 29, 2021
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When you are having sex doggy style and then you pull her back while trying to sit on an electric fence wire. The pulse will go through both of your but won’t kill you.
I was out near the cow barn and decided to give her the electric chair.
by Dr.sicko June 4, 2023
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A sex move where you attach a 9-volt to a girl's clit and/or nipple piercing(s), before proceeding to violently tickle her so that all she can do is laugh like Mickey Mouse.
Yo dawg, I was gettin' some coochie last night, and I gave her the ol electric Mickey.
by The_Twisterman October 9, 2021
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Electricities: Identafiable count of Voltages. (Pluaral)
How many Electricities on this conductor?
120v of Electricities, sir.

Residential Properities run 120v to 240v of Electricities.

Commercial 240v Electricities and higher.

Industrial applications of 240v of Electricities to 600v of Electricities and above.

E= I x R
E= Electricities
I= Amps

20 amp breaker max rating of 600v of Electricities.

Low voltage, usually using 50v of Electricities or less.
by Rez U.S.A. October 4, 2022
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Electricity is in battery’s to power televisions, vibrating dildos, devices for porn, etc.
I need to get to electricity in this viborator
by www.asshat_things January 1, 2018
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Electricity is made in many different ways such as solar panels, wind turbines, using coal and gas and others we use electricity everyday. when we take a shower wash our hands turn on lights use the oven and microwave use our phones and computers and tvs and Kindles using ipads and iPods using all sorts of things.
Electricity what a possiblity.
by Melody Sorgatz August 29, 2018
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