The name for a person that is in a relationship with a cuck.
“I don’t think she knows she’s a cuck toy because she’s with him”
by Slitty October 26, 2018
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In desperate need for a toy to play with. (In baby language)
From a young child who is raised learning both english and spanish at the same time.
by BEATDOCTA January 20, 2020
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A word to describe someone who always keeps talking about the same person and probably won't leave them alone (whether it's love obsession or hate obsession)
Jess won't stop talking about Andy, she's a fool toy!
by Hawing June 3, 2020
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An eBay seller who keeps the good toys for themselves.
Retiredtoosoon won't sell me his Hugo, Man of a Thousand faces. What a toy pig!
by toypigbuster December 13, 2019
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The shiny, fresh one that just came out the box with no dust on it.
He/she might have been the new toy speaking the new language, had lazers on his/her head and could fly, Andy might have even loved the new toy more than his original toys, but they knew deep down that they loved Andy more.
by The Original Agahnim July 22, 2021
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a person who is typing too fast and types toi instead of too
person 1-" I miss you toi"
person 2-"Toi?"
person 1-"Sry I meant too"
random person-"Youre such a toi"
by vimo April 8, 2017
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