A fucking legend who has an 8inch penis that loves sticking his penis in girls and all the girls want to fuck is tight boy asshole.
That Alan Y kid... I want to fuck his tight boy asshole so hard.
by trent_lmao October 23, 2018
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When Gel head Alan picks up Baldy Ross-ter. He also has feelings for Gel Head Mark
Gel Head Alan has arrived in his Nissan Duke
by Rhysy lost hair hitler November 16, 2020
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A Sloppy Alan is when you shart but catch it with your ass cheeks so it never touches your pants. Leaving pants clean thus not resulting in shit pants.
Bro #1. Bro I just sharted Bro.

Bro #2. Bro you gotta go change Bro?

Bro #1. Nah Bro I caught it with my butt cheeks and it never touched my pants!

Bro #2. Tight! A Sloppy Alan!

Bro #1. Sloppy Alan!

Bro #1 and Bro #2 High-five.
by RyButtnik October 5, 2023
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a boy or girl who is unwillingly able to get laid.
That person over there is such an alan chiu.
by Rainonme123 March 29, 2011
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Joke from AvM fandom. Beck=river so basically Alan Becker
A: hy do u watch alan riverer?
B:u mean alan becker???
by Why do i even exist September 10, 2023
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Jack Alan Coleman is a stupid nigger who thinks getting in everybody else's business is okay. He thinks he is mature but in reality he makes everything about him because he insists on being the center of attention. Mr Coleman has an online girlfriend, they have been online dating for a year now. He thinks just because hes kept a relationship with one girl for so long means every girl is the same way, forcing himself into situations that don't even involve him! Jack Coleman is disliked heavily by his peers at times, for very obvious reasons.
Person 1: You know Jack Alan Coleman?

Person 2: You mean that nosy british guy? yeah, he sucks!
by grxcemxrtin April 7, 2020
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