Affecting a "repair" - especially automobile repair - by doing nothing.
My car started when I picked it up from Fred's Garage, but I saw no sign of any repairs. I think they charged me for sunshine treatment.
by SelfOwnedCat May 11, 2021
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The act of refusing to communicate with someone.
Romm hasn't been talking to me lately. I think it's the silent treatment again.
by April Anne March 16, 2022
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1.) When someone is so incredibly annoying or says something so douchbaggery-like that you want to take a pillow and hold it on top of their fucking face until you smother them.
2.) Number one treatment used for Oral Diarrhea, Word Squirts, or Verbal Incontinence of any kind.

3.) The Quietist way to kill off people or things that are a complete waste of space, totally socially inept, or just really really old.
1.) If she doesnt shut her fucking face on that blue tooth I`m going to give her the pillow treatment!

2.) That gorked out patient from that god-awful Nursing Home is back for the third time this week! She needs a pillow treatment STAT!

3.) If that peg-leg tart cart doesn't shut up about his stupid mother fucking dog, I am gonna give him the pillow treament!!
by khaleesi c/o Drogo June 25, 2011
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Used as an acronym for girls who take it in the cunt first then asshole and finally there mouth.
I gave her the cam treatment with my shaft!
by Reggin in the way October 8, 2015
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Saying "k." in a conversation repeatedly. This is usually used towards someone you don't like, someone who won't stop talking to you, or when there is just nothing else to say. It tends to be a bad thing to receive the k treatment and is not a compliment.
He kept talking to me and asking me if we could hang out even after I was ignoring him so I gave him the k treatment, I think he finally got the message that I'm not interested.
by ktreatment January 30, 2011
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Taking a butt plug of any shape or size and dipping it in icy/hot before sticking it in someone's ass as a punishment or for torture.
If you keep it up, you'll be getting the heat treatment when we get home.

'Dude, what's wrong with him?'
'Oh, she gave him the heat treatment last night.'
by Joe Stallings June 14, 2008
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A period of time in which a much younger girl satisfies an older man oraly. This of course is un beknownst to the man's significant other and her friends while celebrated with his best friends.
"Dude, I've been getting the Lewinski Treatment from some cocktail waitress from about three weeks now and I thinks my chick is starting to catch on"

"My girlfriend wont put out so I'm getting the Lewinski Treatment from a freshman.
by JusttomDietz May 5, 2005
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