A person (most times a girl) who buys a gym membership, regularly goes to the gym and only run on a treadmill. In many cases the person is on the phone or speaks to a friend quite loudly.

The plural form is Treadmill bitches where girls come in groups of about 3-8 and either occupy ALL treadmills or stand around the treadmills.
"I ran next to a treadmill bitch earlier. She was on the phone all the time and didn't stop talking for one second!"

"So last night i hit the gym and i couldn't use the treadmill for an hour! The place was covered in treadmill bitches!"
by Hell Yeah Dude December 11, 2017
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When you are figuratively "chasing" a female but getting no where in the relationship. As if you were on a treadmill.
"Man I've been hitting her up, buying her stuff, but she still don't want to be in a realtionship "
"Man she got you in the treadmill"
by Mysterymann44 May 27, 2015
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1. A person unable to wrap their minds around the fact that you don't need a gym membership to be or stay in shape.

2. An idiot or tool who frequents Gyms, mainly for the purpose of picking up on people.

3. A jerk who takes personal offense to persons lounging in comfy fitness wear.

4. One of those douches from "Jersey Shore"
Person#1: So I was at the Quik Stop getting a pack of smokes and I was totally getting the stink eye from some Treadmill Gerbil in under armor wear, probably because I was wearing my yoga pants, yanno the ones that my mom got me? The really comfy ones. And my reeboks.

Person#2: Ugh, I hate those people. I don't think they even know how to run off of a treadmill.

Person#1: Yeah...running down a street around a block might cause them to have a conniption, they'd probably stand on their front stoop wondering where the "start" button is.
by Not Anna Blume March 21, 2011
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Playing a TV Series as background noise and paying little to no attention to it while running through seasons.
I'm planning on treadmilling though the entire season 4 of The Office on Netflix today.
by _mollybdenum February 26, 2016
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I was on the organic treadmill last night after getting pissed at the party. A way people use to get from one place to another during their day. Used more in the past before the popularity of gyms peaked. It's often a granola's favorite way to get somewhere. Hazards of using include bad weather, seeing other people, dog shit and hobos.
by Slovensko Booty Pops November 3, 2010
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socially and emotionally awkward
when you are left high and dry , especially in an unfamiliar environment you shouldnt be surprised if you feel like a fish on a treadmill
by Sexydimma February 23, 2017
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Italien treadmill is when you’re going to the bakken, and you stop by the nearest supermarket, to buy Italien Bread and a sixpack of beers
Hey bros, spoiler we go get an Italien treadmill?
by Hørm n’ Øren September 9, 2020
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