He's an amazing person, the first day you meet him will be one to remember. His smile will make you want to freeze time, his laugh will wake up the butterflies within you, his voice will melt every bone in your body, his presence will bring you peace, and his absence chaos. He's the person you will most definitely never get tired of. Now, aside from all that cheesiness, he's also very funny, he's a sore loser after losing at Uno, listen to "old music" which I love, and is deliberately the most honest and realest person I've ever met. He's got a surfer vibe going on, and he can brighten up your mood in a banana split second. He's a dork, but in a good way that'll make you smile, especially when you've been down or having a bad day. he's sporty, likes working out and would go the distance for someone he loves, I mean that literally..... I've never met another person like this, and I don't plan to keep looking.
"Is that-, did he- did he just walk all the way up here in this freezing cold?"
"yeah... that's Michael, and yes he did..."
by i.Sp3ak.hturT February 20, 2019
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When a Michael Jackson fan surfs the web for Michael Jackson, usually videos. It can be a hobby and the word is usually used on youtube.
Sarah - "Hey, what are you doing?"

Luara - "Oh you know, just michaeling."
by shortyl0l November 30, 2009
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michael is a fuckface and likes short girls even though he could have a great tall girl
fuck you michael, you like short girls
by illfuckyourmom420 April 2, 2019
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To sing or adopt vocal charateristic stylings of blue eyed soul baritone singer, Michael McDonald.
In order to make this song sound really good, we're going to have to Michaelize it.
by L. Anderson May 14, 2008
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From the bible, the Archangel, meaning "He who is closest to God"

some of the most awesome people are named michael.

hey, look how cool michael is!
by m20 March 23, 2009
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*his name has to pronounced in a strong Australian accent*
Todd: “hello, who is this?”
Michael: “the names Michael, I’m a lady whisperer, I also own a pet chainsaw
by Cum faggot May 20, 2019
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