meaning the absolute tastiest; the best; of the highest quality - when applied to marijuana, a.k.k. the cannabis plant
"Did you get a taste of <i>the dank</i> nuggs that Billy Bob has?
by btezra October 24, 2002
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A term used to describe high quality cannibus.
Dank weed should be sticky, tasty, and smooth. It should also get you high, really really high 8) .....

-Can also be used to describe other consumable items, such as food.
Damn!.... that shit was dank...
got any more?

smooth tasty
by nerderous September 8, 2009
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Representing something as weird or fucked up. Could be used on a situation or a person.
“That’s Dank” “This is Dank AF
by Ruc2002 June 21, 2021
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Danking, is a party term, used to describe drinking and dancing.
Hey Susie, do you wanna go danking tonight?
Hey Billy, danking last night was awesome, you comin tonight?
That was an awesome Dank off last night.
by DaveJoe December 18, 2010
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