Home Depot stores, sometimes used as a name for other big box hardware/home supply stores.
I went to The Borg to buy a nail gun
by Rico September 12, 2003
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One day, Microsoft will become the Borg and we will all be forced to run Windows 95.
by trekkie June 25, 2003
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The beverage of the gods, made popular by Blarney Blowout at Umass Amherst. Made in a gallon water jug, it consist of half a gallon of water, a 750 ml of vodka or tequila, and a whole thing of mio
Yo bro lemme get a ripski of that borgan freeman I’m trynna get canned and end up in the trauma unit
by Tickle My Fieces March 8, 2023
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When a guy drinks to much and starts showing his wiener and using obscene language
My boyfriend did a Borg yesterday, he drank way too much, it was sooooo embarrassing!
by Dominica P August 7, 2017
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On the browsergame Travian, the act of sending one's entire army at someone in the full expectation it will be killed. Usually as a prelude to deleting from the game.
I have decided to quit the game so I am borging my army into the North-East.
by undead1054 June 27, 2009
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The word borg is derived from Sydney, Australian, Eastern Surburbs slang. Its origin dates back to 2011 and the word borg can be seen tattooed on dedicated borgs and across social media networks.

A borg is a male or in some cases, female who specialises in creating and distributing exquisite banter, dance ability and silencio discotech skill. Often found in festivals across the US and Europe. The native home of the borg is the East Coast of Australia, but it is possible to find borgs globally. Though most borgs are young (early to mid twenties);age is not a defining characteristic and you will find both young borgs and old borgs. Some special skills of borgs include, but are not limited to the following:

- Pinger Pong
- Strong knowledge of Jamie Jones
- Ability to function without sleep for an extended period
- Meditation skill
- Newtworking skills, ability to quickly assimilate other potential borgs into the group
- Is affected - at some stage, in one way or another
- Ability to develop otherwsie desolate space into welcoming head quarters, know as 'borg cities'
To be a borg, you must become the borg.
by Borg City August 2, 2012
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