swagga grabba is someone who does everything you do.
Girl1:"that purse is hella cute"
the next day girl1 comes in with the same purse....
girl2"stupid ass swagga grabba"
by Bettybby November 22, 2009
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This is a formula based on your birthdate to determine your actual swagga... if it can even possibly be measured WITH numbers, this is as close an estimate as possible


Take the largest number in your birth year and multiply it by itself.

8*8 = 64

Subtract from this number your birth month.

Add to this number your birth
Really Mr. West? Swagga on a hundred, thousand Trillion??

according to some dumbass swagga formula,
i'd say... 75 (06/08/77) not bad
by courte March 30, 2009
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someone that copies your swagg
yo son why you a swagga bitter..get you own kicks
by remms.f.crazy January 24, 2009
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when you walk into a persons house and are hit with the imidiate presence of a beautifull smell,perfectly decorated and the choice of furnature suits to the fullest extent. the reaction is 'wow :O'
at this point you would compliment your host by sayin 'man,your house has got swagga' or
'you got some serious house-swagga goin on in here man!'

they should reply and offer you a cup of tea
example1: you wanna come my house to play ps3 and get high?

example 2: yeah sure man lets go.

*arrive at house*

example 2: DAYM MAN!! you got house-swagga goin on!

example 1 : yeah peace man,took me a while to get the look you know?
by xpressioncoventry January 9, 2011
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Just being legendary and never stop being legendary
The performance he gave was Simply Swagga
by $wagg@ March 28, 2022
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The art of being “swag”. Its very rare to have Swagga Spunk
Chimichanga: yo man why you so cool?
Me: because I got that Swagga Spunk
by Violet.B January 30, 2021
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when someone is jocking or (taking your style)
1.) yo that kid is swagga jockin'
2.) damn what a swagga jocka
by styling! September 1, 2008
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