A mustache stereotypical to rapists. Typically something unattractive and creepy looking. Also see molestache.
Dude, stop growing out your raper stache.
by christhafris October 20, 2009
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A scab stache is formed when a person picks, pops, or re-opens a wound on and/or above the upperlip. This wound is usually present due to the individual having cold sores.
Tony says "Hey man, whats wrong with your lip, you look like your wearing a Hitler mustache?"

Armando states "Oh, it just a cold sore I opened up, its a scab stache!"

Tony states "I told you, you shouldn't have cheated on your wife!"
by T-WOO April 21, 2010
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When your mustache smells so bad the day after eating out a spoiled tuna taco you have to shave it to get rid of the smell.
Rugged was rudely woken up by his Funk Stache the night after a box lunch at the vagina diner with a hefty German chick in the park, so he was forced to shave it and grow a new one.
by Bookbagman December 5, 2017
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A big thick mustache often worn by a cop, similar to the cops on Reno 911.
Look at that guy's Reno stache, he's either a police officer or a pedophile.
by holymolyhorsie March 1, 2011
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having a moustache that resembles Ron Jeremy's, world known porn star.
Heheh, that dude got a fucking porn stache.
by Ricky Roma October 25, 2003
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1. (noun) A person with a prejudice toward another person with a mustache.

2. (adj.) discriminatory or prejudiced on the basis of a mustache.
She is afraid of anyone with mustaches. She is a stache-ist.

That comment about the man with a mustache was both uncalled for and stache-ist.
by tankbeh January 13, 2011
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1. prejudice or discrimination toward individuals with mustaches.
2. behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of people with mustaches.
Years of unquestioned stache-ism have lead to the belief that only cops and child molesters have mustaches.

He was passed up for a promotion at the workplace because of the stache-ism of his immediate supervisor.
by tankbeh January 11, 2011
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