1. to punch a girl in the face, preferably an italian one.
that girl just got snookied?
did she loose any teeth?
by jim jum December 18, 2009
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Synonomous with drunken idiot
Did you see how much booze she had? what a snooki.
by Keenanator February 28, 2012
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1) To Falcon Punch a hobbit/midget/halfling square in the chompers.
Went to the bar last night and Snooki got Snooki'd!!!
by Hyperaktivemind July 28, 2010
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a woman who is struck close fisted by a man in public
I strolled through Cleveland's downtown area and was filled with horror at the sight of an elderly woman being snookied by a craven cut-purse
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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When an intoxicated male goes home with with a short, pudgy and less attractive female.
Bro 1 - "Aw man did you actually go home with that war pig at the bar last night."
Bro 2 - "Yeah man, I totally got snookied.
by Incepticles October 15, 2010
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Did you hear that Jenny got snookied? Joe is such a fucking dick.
by snookiedbitch January 1, 2010
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Person 1: "Is that a bouncy ball with a trucker hat?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it's snooki"
by Jerz2010 September 11, 2010
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