1. To insult someone savagely, to proverbially 'throw shit' at them.
2. A common curse.
3. The act of using a slingshot to propel shit at people.
A: You're an asshole.
B: What? You're the asshole.
C: Hey, stop the shit slinging.

2. After walking onto a rake, hence causing it to rise in your face: shit slinging rake!

3. After slingshotting shit at someone:
A: Look, I got him.
B: Good shit slinging, Mr Jobs.
by Philip the person December 28, 2009
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to Sling Ropes (v) - Ejaculating with enough force and for a long enough period of time, so that there is no break in a long stream of ejaculate.
"Carver is in the back slinging ropes on his girl."

"He hasn't had sex or masturbated in a month. As soon as that happens, he'll be slingin' ropes."
by McNugen February 1, 2008
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Working in a restaurant as a server/waiter or anywhere in the "front-of-house" on the service side (not kitchen). Originally coined for the fast food, greasy spoon, diner waitress.
After losing her job, Alice was slinging hash to keep her kids fed.
by womp'm March 22, 2008
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A skimpy pair of underwear for men that barely keeps in the man's genitals. Often appears in lepard print and is made out of a silky material.
After showering at the gym, John put on his nut sling and sat around the locker room talking to old naked men.

Old men love to parade around the lake in nothing but a nut sling.
by Joseph A September 16, 2006
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to flip your errected penis into your wasteband. It is highly un-noticeable this way and it totally rocks your world.
Phil: Man I have a huge errection right now!
Dave: Don`t worry man, put it in a cock sling!
by dave kadden April 17, 2008
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Essentially it means "watch you get down and dirty at work".
Can also mean "get to work".

Can also mean to engage in sexual foreplay, or more.
Girl to DJ: I cannot WAIT to watch you sling the hash on Saturday night! It's gonna be totally Mexico.

"So I told him, stop chatting to me and go sling the hash! We have a deadline!"

After leaving Smart Bar, we went back to my place, and slung the hash! lol
by kittenmalibu May 11, 2010
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