A name for a very gay boy, he likes lives a sad life, will be forever single
Hey dude Skyler is gay
by Skyler.is.gay August 30, 2018
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A french term for girls with dark hair that are into vintage.
Those skylers in tampa are pretty neat.
by The June Bug April 15, 2007
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The most ahh-MAZE-ing boyfriend in the world! Commonly uses phrases such as "super pwn hack slash" "elite" or "pro." Enjoys playing super asian (in a good way) computer games with amazing graphics. I would trust him with anything in the world.
by ahh-MAZE-ing Shannon February 22, 2008
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Skyler or sky is used to say that you are
A larrie. (People who support Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles relationship)
"But I know that olivia is a skyler"
by David Lovos November 8, 2021
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If you meet a skyler date then there the most thoughtful people out there
Skyler is the best
by Random877888 April 29, 2022
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Skyler is the person who made this
Skyler is not a slut
by Skylerisnotaslut April 21, 2021
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