Duck taping two or more people together after loading them up with shrooms and burritos causing them to shit themselves all over each other.
“Things got out of hand last night. I tripped shit on some shrooms with my buddies and ended up in a Siamese tootsie roll.”
by Stolen originality September 13, 2020
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When two chinese girls get in a fight. (Like a cat fight but with chinese girls.)
" oh shit, there's a siamese cat fight going on over there."

" I was so mad at her, I almost started up a siamese cat fight."
by L.Macrae.Pats May 26, 2009
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When excessive heat, humidity and sweating cause both sides of the testicles to spread and stick to both legs . This is much like a standard Tree Frog in which the testicles stick to one leg or the other. However, a Siamese Tree Frog distinguishes itself by sticking to both legs simultaneously. This typically occurs - but is not limited to - seated or prone positions. See also Tree Frog.
Brian: Damn son, it's hotter than Hades out here.
Joe: I know man, I'm Siamese Tree Froggin' like sonuvabitch.
by TacomaBeags October 2, 2017
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the act of simultaneously shitting your pants and projectile vomiting.

root: roman shower - the act of two or more persons simultaneously vomiting on each other.
i was about to read a story in front of a large audience, but my xanax hadn't kicked in yet, and i freaked and gave the front row a siamese roman shower.
by rose kent August 13, 2007
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The disease that effects more that 50% of social platform users. The onset is slow but eventually the subject has their head bonded to another and their image is posted as their profile page.
My friend suddenly became a victim of Siamese Profile Syndrome and is now connected to their significant's a shame.
by Jamfetto June 23, 2009
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two people attached together at the tooth and the nipple
its unfortunate that earl and dale's mom had sex with her brother. they will always be laughed at for being inbred siamese toothnipples.
by d siegs April 17, 2010
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When you insert your body into a girl's asshole so your head is the only thing that sticks out.
Bro, I hit Elle up with a Alabama Siamese Twin.

Damn, you lucky.
by LilDump April 19, 2019
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