the past tense of the word shit. used to tell where u might have taken a shit before.
by trambrocool September 4, 2010
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Everyday I listen to the same old shat about hairbrushes, the calorie content of food and what their hamster did last night
by Driven senseless April 21, 2011
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When someone shitted real hard on something.

To OD (overdo it), to kill it
Yo, he has to be the winner of the freestyle competition...he shatted on his verse.

That chick shatted on every other girls' looks that nite. Did you see what she was wearing??

by Juanita4ev November 6, 2005
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1) The slightly irregular past tense form of the verb shit.

2) Appropriately enough, the nickname for "Star Trek" has-been William Shatner.
Shat: the man, the myth, the past tense verb.
by Sredni Vashtar May 18, 2004
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The past tense of the verb: To Shit
Damn! My dog just shat all over the living room carpet! I'm screwed!
by wendel. June 2, 2009
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the word used to say "shit" but in a more formal matter. use it in school or around uptight adults.
by Katiebabeee February 1, 2011
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to shit but a funny way of saying it
i just shat myself
by Cook February 26, 2003
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