1. An abbreviation for the term "Shaky-Butt" which is commonly used in Norristown, PA. A shaky butt is a Strip club, or even better yet, it's a Titty Bar.

2. In general, it's any establishment where people can pay to watch nude women dance.
Classy Guy #1: "Yo bull, there ain't no bitches at this bar... you tryin' to hit da Shake?"

Classy Guy #2: "Yeah, fuck it..."
by john_raw October 11, 2011
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Shake v.- What people say when they are telling someone to leave the currently occupied area. This is usually said with extreme animosity and/or prejudice. Reference to this word is most prevalent in the "St.Louis rapper gets slapped" video on Youtube.
Daron: Man, this party is dead, I'm finna shake bruh.

*Man walks in on his daughter having sex*
Boyfriend: Oh, shit.
Dad: What the fuck!?!
Boyfriend: I'm so sorry sir.
Dad: Go on ahead and shake bruh.
*Boyfriends Hesitates*
Dad: I swear to god if you don't shake out my crib in the next 5 seconds......
by reallyslowcomp October 5, 2011
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shaking your pussy on a guys dick
"shake it"
by faith irving August 24, 2008
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The shitty part of weed.
"If you would have told me it was shake i would have never smoked it."
by wes January 25, 2005
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a. referring to William Shakespeare

b. complicated (adj.)

c. smart; sophisticated (adj.)
A: What is that, Shakes'?

B: This is so shakes...

C: Jamie is shakes!
by Will Shakes March 22, 2009
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After smoking a lot of weed and you get a bad high, your body spasms or shakes uncontrollably. It will go away with time, just don't get as stoned next time.
Dude, we each just smoked a dub on our own. I have the shakes so bad. (Body uncontrollably spazzing.)
by tootsiewootsie_lol August 31, 2011
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A lit party that involves drinking and/or drugs
Hey bro do you know of any shakes going on tonight
by Littygc March 4, 2017
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