Scrub Ass Bitch

Someone who sucks at videogames and life in general.
Man that SAB sucks at Halo.

John is such a SAB he doesn't contribute anything to society.
by hnry21 September 20, 2009
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Acronym for Shady Asian Boy. Used to describe the ultimate shadiness that is unique unto the asian boy race.
"What, he didn't call you the night after?"
"Yea, but it doesn't surprise me, he's just a SAB"
by Michelle December 8, 2003
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Acronym for shit-a-brick, can be used as an offensive name for people with the reputation of having large dumps, or applied in a wider sense. Highly offensive.
'Shut up SAB, we don't like you!'
'Bite me!'
by Shifty Shane August 22, 2005
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Posts pictures of herself engaged in "adult relations" with very um,"well-fed" people who like it so much they forget to take their socks off.
Ewwww! Don't post Sabs pron on this board.
by snoop dog March 5, 2005
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acronym for Spontaneous Acts of Black Stupidity. Usually used when referring to the somewhat erratic and offending behavior of African Americans by Caucasians; such as their tenancies to touch basketball rims, yell very loudly at each other from across streets, get in big fights that jeopardize anyone within 20 feet, or any other stupid activities that mostly performed by African Americans. SABS is usually stated as a word of warning to other Caucasians without offending the nearby African Americans.
It is uncommon in sentences, but when it is used in sentences it appears as a plural noun (regardless of the amount) describing a past event.
1. Two white boys, Robert and Andrew, are walking by the basketball court on their way home from tennis practice. They see two black boys playing basketball. One of them elbows the other in the face while dunking, and then proceeds to run around the court whooping and hollering; the other black man throws the ball at him and the two of them get in a fight.
Robert turns to Andrew and says, "SABS"
Andrew nods in agreement, "SABS indeed"

2. Uncommon sentences usage
Robert, "The other day I saw some SABS; they nearly broke my leg."
Andre, "Well thats just terrible."
by kamakazi May 2, 2007
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Separated at birth. A term used to describe people who look extremely similar, as if they were identical twins who were separated at birth.
by Philly Sasquatch February 5, 2009
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Man 1: omg, i hate my history teacher, he made me sit in the back of the class for nothing
Girl 1: like omg, he is such a sab
by Reem Joshi December 23, 2006
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