The term refers to the laxative property of the humble rhubarb. “Total rhubarb” is the exclamation made when there is an involuntary evacuation of the bowels in moments of stress. More commonly known as “shi***ng oneself”.
Oh dear I was so stressed at PMQ’s I went “Total Rhubarb “
by Gogs HR January 27, 2022
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Provincial idiom for getting caught red-handed. Guilty of something.
Jimmy Ray insisted that he had nothing to do with the The great pie heist, but we knew he had rhubarb hand all over it.
by etymologingishard July 7, 2022
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When a guy motorboats a girl’s butt cheeks.
She didn’t believe I was about that booty until I gave her the rhubarb jacuzzi!
by BeMoorr July 31, 2021
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rhubarb come from a rhubarb type of plant. (very gross) rhubarb sounds like the word constipation so I don't know how it would taste especially in a pie.
yum pie! wait there are rhubarbs in it? gross.

rhubarb pie sounds very gross
by June 12, 2012
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To talk complete nonsense, usually in a repetitive manner, or / and for a prolonged period. To spout verbal diarrhoea, usually to an audience of participating idiots. if the word absolute is used predominantly, then this used to accentuate the synonym 'Rhubarb'. Whilst there is no actual word that has an identical meaning, disregarding the association to the plant of the name. Often two words can be used to inflect the same meaning. Examples of this would be 'talking dog shit', 'talking broken biscuits', 'spouting shit' and talking out your 'arse / or ass pipe'
Mick, can you do us all a favour and stop talking rhubarb.

All that guy has done all night is talk absolute rhubarb, he needs to give it a rest.

I went to a party last night, and it was full of undesirables, there was this one guy that just sat there and talked rhubarb all night.

He must have been on drugs, because he didn't stop talking for over 8 hours and not one part of it made the slightest bit of sense - I've never seen someone talk absolute rhubarb like this guy did. It was like an assault on the ears.
by bradsbadluck July 29, 2022
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