To answer a presumed question. Works with a rhetoric question to form a rhetoric dialog.
Yes, this is a rhetorical answer, that's right! No, nobody asked me.

Who cares? Well, I should.
by vecvan February 23, 2017
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An excuse when someone says "That wasn't funny"
Person 1: You're stupid

Person 2: That wasn't funny

Person 1: It was a rhetorical joke.
by chortles? May 19, 2018
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Something some stupid smooth-brained fuck in my online class didn't fucking understand
Me:who wants a fun fact?
SF:who cares u hoe?
Me:that was a rhetorical question...
SF:what does that mean?
Me:a ̨͙͕̺̑͗̆̚r̴̤̙̪̔͊̍ĕ̵͜ ̥̮̅̓ỹ̵͙̆͊̉o ̣̮̣̊̈́̾͠ư̴͚̦͊͐ ͆͜r̵̛̔͋̓ͅę̵͉̬̂͘̚͝t̵̨̮͊͊̀̉ͅȧ̵̳͎̣̙̀̚̕r̴̨̘͈̗̈́̍̒̚d̴̨͆e̴̬͑d̵̛̗̘̀͊̚?̵̦̬̽̔͊͝
by Pokémeth8152 May 11, 2020
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A term coined by UK Grime artist; JME, meaning a phone call that you don't answer. Stems from the term 'rhetorical question' which is a question that doesn't require an answer, such as "Are you silly blad?".
When she phones me I can't be bothered to answer, might as well call it a rhetorical phone call
by Mattaldinho December 12, 2010
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10 - Legendary

8 - Orgasmic

6 - Epic

4 - Awesome

2 - Delicious
(Two people who are aware of the Rhetorical Power Scale)

Guy 1: Man, that movie we saw yesterday was EPIC

Guy 2: Ya, but I watched a dif one, and it was Orgasmic

Guy 1: NO WAI :O
by Spartriach April 6, 2009
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It's so much easier to say/write than "she said rhetorically." Instead use "She rhetoricalized.
by kaigal February 9, 2010
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The nuts and bolts of speech and writing; the parts that make a communication work. Separately, each part of is meaningless, but once put together they create a powerful effect on the listener/reader.
Rhetorical devices can function at all levels: words, sentences, paragraphs, and to infinity and beyond.
by PlessyVFergunson May 6, 2022
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