the most annoying and pointless character in tvd that didn’t die but needed to
ugh i hate ✨🐀ratty matty✨🐀. girl don’t even he gets worse in season 6 and 7.
by kamryn_c December 17, 2020
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A shitty human of male persuasion that is always on sneaky shady behavior that has no issue getting mad and telling others business or even making things up to better shit his own position in events he lies often to get what he wants and keep what he calls his.
A dude is hanging with a homie while secretly plotting on banging his old lady whom is a ratchet hoe from his past thinking he is clever and his friendship will cover intentions if confronted by his wife and if not he can blame it on homie....think again ratty fuckboy....
by Smarter thansum July 2, 2017
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The teeth eating, wrinkly, pint-sized little assholes from the movie “Don’t be afraid of the Dark
Friend: Omg what was that noise?!
You: It was probably Demon Ratties!
by The Queen of the Ocean June 15, 2020
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4 words to explain a whore that has s*x with taxi drivers to not pay for the ride home. Not the riding before going home...
"What does that video even mean? 🙄"
"We already told you you proudly molested ratty twat."
by vyevd8 September 25, 2023
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Ratty patty- used most commonly to call someone who is funny or loud.
by lil’ ratty October 17, 2020
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When a big ole pimp screws up due to laziness or lack of give a fuck. Totally unprofessional.
Man did you use glue instead of screws and bolts? Thats some ratty habits you careless piece of trash
by Union4life June 14, 2017
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