Yesterday I was walking by pimp daddy's house and he came out and hit me with his pimp stick and them I got layed.
by Go eat a.... September 28, 2021
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It's when your friend Boneless poops and it gets all over his nuts.
Dam bro that shit was pimp daddy poop nuts
by Potfather September 13, 2019
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Pimp Daddy Syd is actually just Sydney but her true friends know her like that. Sydney is a gorgeous and loving and talented friend who doesn't know how amazing she is and how loved she is. She loves The Perks of Being a Wallflower and would actually marry a cat if given the chance even though she's allergic. Anybody who meets her better hold on tight because if you get the chance to get close to her it's rare and she's literally fucking perfection so hold on, it's worth it. She's worth it. ilysm Syd.
"Have you met Pimp Daddy Syd?"

"No, but I heard she's kinda perfect."
"Hell yah she is."
by PizzaForPrez November 16, 2014
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she da swaggiest person on da earth

she into that freaky stuff, always spanking people👅 everybody wanna be like pimp daddy faith
yo, you so coo, but not pimp daddy faith coo.

you gotta pimp daddy faith a$$
by clothehoe February 1, 2016
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