Someone that is completely useless, a waste of space & bothersome and consequently shouldn't be stealing the oxygen we breathe
A true Oxygen Thief is a speed camera operator hiding near the bushes
by Jasperdistra September 28, 2010
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A person who is so utterly stupid that his/her only purpose on this earth is to absorb the oxygen better used by more worthwhile beings.
Dr. McNobb is such an oxygen pirate that he has single-handedly managed to raise the temperature of the earth 5 degrees through his sheer stupidity.
by Midnight LaRue May 27, 2005
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The ability of the body to "burn" glucose and exhale carbon dioxide. This process includes lung function, cardiac efficiency, vascular tone, and cellular metabolism.
Cycling requires good oxygen assimilation.
by Guido1 March 7, 2008
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Abbreviated form is OMg. Originally created to make fun of people who say OMG, so instead you would say "oxygen magnesium!!"

Unfortunately, it was later discovered that it would actually be magnesium oxide (MgO) but the joke still stands.
Some girl: Look at her shoes, aren't they ugly??
You (overhearing the above): Oxygen magnesium!! That's horrible!!
by Kevin December 6, 2003
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Alternative adj. Usage for the word MOIST.
Sam: Whoa, it's so humid out here.
James: Yeah, this is some juicy oxygen.
by Asmith0930 October 8, 2019
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slang for when you want to rail the same gender
yo hop on oxygen
by pappadums420 July 29, 2021
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A person who is so useless that they are literally stealing the air from those who need it more.

A thicko.

A cretin.

A moron.
"hey i hear Jamie hasn't paid his child support again"
"oh man, that guy is such a fucking oxygen thief"
by Spaz hand August 27, 2018
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