Person: What were you guys doing last night?

Me: Oh, we fucked into oblivion and then stayed up smoking until like 3.

Person: Cool.
by Aceywantsyoursoul July 20, 2012
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to be high on weed. like being blazed, stoned, etc.
jim: man pat, you are so smoked
pat: right?
by mr high flier April 29, 2011
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When a place is extremely busy to the point of being insane.
Yo bro party city is gonna be smoked right now. It’s halloween.
by Jognnt Mads October 30, 2019
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1. beef, trouble

2. to beef someone; incite trouble with someone

"she said that I'm an insta catfish"
"ah, babes, sounds like she wants some smoooke"


"people are always trying to smoke me, but I don't have time for those ignoramuses"
by mediocre_gal_s August 6, 2020
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1 ; Smoke in a fire
2 ; Smoke in cigarettes
'I want to smoke today'
'Theres smoke, I think there is a fire;
by FelixWalters February 28, 2018
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