Omak” means “your mother” but as egyptians, we say it as an insult sometimes when someone tries to tell you that you are dumb, you say “Omak” to tell him that his mom is the insult not you
Ahmed: “enta homar yala” (are u a donkey)
Hassan: “Omak
by ana_mama_yala May 30, 2021
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When someone keeps making dumb mom jokes it might also be known as the “Farid syndrome”. Doing “omaking” is forbidden especially is the victim is named “Nadim
Personne 1- Lmao Imma motorboat ur mum RAWR XD
Personne 2- Stop Omaking you’re acting like such a farid
by Chalaklak April 8, 2020
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So basically it means fuck your mother’s mother in arabic and it’s usually used in Egypt but it doesn’t mean grandma so it’s more insulting
Mr a7a: kosomak
Ceepotpot: kosomeen omak
by Ceepotpot July 5, 2023
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