awesome skater
cool guy
skates for element
stars in movie called haggard, videos called cky, and jackass
didn't make cky , to all of you dumbasses
Bam margera is awesome but, cky is a band that bam isn't in , he has movies with the same name but isn't in the band , butt Jess is
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the worst person to live next to
a toolbox
tips below 10%
Can you hand me my Bam Margera, I need a wrench.
by Teresa March 25, 2004
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listen. Bam Margera is NOT A GOOD SKATER!!! why the fuck would anyone even think hes good?! the best trick ive ever seen him do is a disaster. wow, theres so many other skaters that actually deserve recognition. in my city, theres a 14 year old that can kickflip out of manual dwn a 3 block. bam margera doesnt even know what a 3 block is. all he does is hurt people and rip off companies and ideas just because hes too much of a braindead douchebag to think of his own shit.
poser: OMG!!! in my american wasteland game, i just saw Bam Margera do a kickflip on a curb that looked really scary!!!
me: wow i can do a kickflip dwn a curb. hes a douche. now... bring me some popcorn.
by asfsddsffsdfasd July 12, 2006
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Funniest person ever. He could take the most random things and make it funny as hell. Bam is an Icon and is fuckin awsome. Viva la bam is so much better than waching the fuckin osbournes. They are the real sell-outs. The Margeras kick ass.
by Pegro March 10, 2004
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bam is a total jackass (hence the name of the damned show) he comes off as rather stupid, and he obviously isn't capable of doing anything different. anyone who thinks he is attractive should burn. he thinks he's valo/lusts after valo, and he needs to stop. he is bam. not valo. valo is GOD.
"your pretty face..", HIM's songs, the scarf, tattoo, the gloves, the hair, his name in Haggard.
by ali January 30, 2004
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not that good of a skater anymore he soldout big time he gets credit for skating that is due to real skaters like thomas and mullen and reynolds or any of the toher true greats and everyone else who does things for the sport not for themselves he was cool before he soldout and now he is just an ass who yells at people after he falls for touching his board as they try to hand it back to him he is obnoxious and will never be one of the best skaters because honestly what has he done that is great
Rodney Mullen-invented pretty much every flat ground trick
Jamie Thomas-leap of faith and the massive 30+ set he did but snapped his board on
Andrew Reynolds-What can't he do switch that he can do regular
i could go on all day listing true pros that should be getting attention for their talents not their stupidity and lack fo respect for everyone
Bam Margera isnt that good people face it
by Respect To The Real Greats September 10, 2005
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