Slide Mania is when someone is asked to produce a PowerPoint Presentation for a class/work presentaion and goes OVERBOARD with the number of slides they use, and end up having an embarsssingly long presentation...
Sally: "Do you remember Samantha's Civil Rights presentation?"
Lisa: "Jeez, of course I do: talk about a case of Slide Mania!"
Sally: "Yea, i still haven't fully woken up from it..."
by Loz7 April 27, 2009
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The greatest Maddox fansite. Also the first, it pwns all others including Friends of....Aww shit, I can't even keep a straight face while I'm typing this. Maddox Mania is teh ghey.
Normal Person 1: "This Friends of Maddox site is pretty good."
Ash: "Not it's not! It's gay! Maddox Mania is better!"
Normal Person 2: "Ash, you're gay."
Normal Person 1: "+rep for flaming Ash!"
by PsychoThrill January 26, 2005
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A load of non whites getting into whatever it is that non whites do when they get together, like perhaps they go down to the town to cause trouble and then act like they are getting picked on when the cops turn up.
Wogs in a big group doing wog stuff ( nicking stuff, and playing rap music loud from their shite car).
when loads of darkies do darky shit thats wog mania
Come on mate it's nearly dark the bongo drums will start soon and we'll be surrounded by darkies suffering wog mania
lets get out of here
by W.O. Glover May 22, 2008
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when ARMYs have all gathered up either camping or talking to each other outside a venue or theatre while waiting to see BTS perform.

BTS Mania, however, can become bad for someone who says something negative about BTS. ARMYs will join together and attack that person with hundreds and thousands of tweets or posts.
Definition 1: Outside the Rosebowl was complete BTS Mania. There were huge lines of ARMYs waiting to get their merch or huddled into groups while singing and dancing to BTS songs.

Definition 2: The Anti-fan's Twitter completely blew up into BTS Mania. ARMYs were attacking him tweet after tweet after he tweeted "BTS Sucks".
by Ghostgam3r May 23, 2019
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1.The act of having way to much shit in your pockets at any given time, which in turn leads to sporadic bouts of "Dude I think I lost that 50 piece I had!" especially when smoking crack with someone you really dont trust. Not that I trusted anyone Ive ever smoked crack with.

2.Having an over abundance of crack/heroin in your pockets and being stopped by the Police in most case could trigger a severe case of Super Mega Massive Pocket Mania as you frantically search for the pocket containing the stash before being violently ripped from your vehicle.
Yo nigga I was so jammed on diesel last night when I got pulled over I had the worst "pocket mania" tryna find the rest of my dope, then I remembered I stuff it in my man safe before I left the house
by The Infamous Sin April 12, 2011
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When a female or male of another race in severely obsessed and infatuated (especially sexually) with the black race.
Wow, R lynn is white, but she only loves the black dudes. She has a severe case of Negro-Mania.

exp She's a Negro-Maniac!!!!
by Troy Johnson July 7, 2006
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When people blindly or religiously follow the directives of the authorities to wear a face mask at all times, as two barriers are debatably better than one—the sick person wears one, and the well person also wears one to protect themselves and others regardless of where they are in public at any time of the day, and whether they are alone or not.
Are these examples of mask mania? Cab drivers sitting in car by themselves wearing masks. People walking their dogs outdoors wearing masks, and nobody near them. People wearing masks at home, because they want to protect their pets.
by MathPlus June 17, 2021
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