A mildly derogatory term for a Warrant Officer in the US Marine Corps, derived from the WO's insignia: a Lieutenant's bar with a series of red enamelled blocks denoting the WO's grade.
Jake's a Lipstick Lieutenant now; he just got promoted from Staff Sargeant to Warrant Officer...
by VetR September 29, 2006
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The special occasion when one menstruating beaver eater scissors with a non-menstruating kitty puncher leaving a nice red gloss on her meat curtains.
Desiree: I'm home early!
Brittany: Already?
Desiree: I'm horny as fuck, and flowing heavy! You feel like putting on the lipstick?
Brittany: Oh my god! I love feeling your crimson hot sauce on my rat bologna!
Desiree: I've got the shoehorn in case of hydro-lock!
by Horst Nordfunk January 23, 2016
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An unattractive woman who smears lipstick on in an attempt to distract from ugliness is commonly known as a lipstick queen.
Courtney Love or Donatella Versace on bad days are prime examples of lipstick queens. Pity those they kiss as they say "dahling"
by Deva Sheraton November 5, 2006
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slang for when someone tries to dress something up, but is still that something. usually used on ugly broads, when they put on a skirt and some lipstick and well, they still look like the same digusting pig.
"You put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig"
by doo doo brown January 9, 2004
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When a girl wearing colored lipstick goes down on a guy and deep throats all the way until her lips are at the base of his penis, then she closes her lips and presses them against the shaft to form a perfect ring of colored lipstick around his penis, making a lipstick stamp.
I want to give you a lipstick stamp.
by Boss-ass-boss December 16, 2016
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when a girl wears so much lipstick when she sucks your dick i feels 10x smother
that girl has total blowjob lipstick on
by randal scher September 23, 2012
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