When an individual can achieve a goal on their own, but you assist them regardless of the obvious negative consequences.
“I was so close to PRing on my bench max, but David f***ing kirked me”
by Mintless Toothpaste June 8, 2019
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(v) Not making your lady friend breakfast after a one-night stand.
Dude. I didn't even make her breakfast. I Kirked that ho.
by Weeds2010 August 21, 2010
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My bro Kirk is a god at bass but a total dick to people. Jk
by justgoat666 January 6, 2015
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"Damn it Larry, if it wasn't for Kirk, we would have gone bust years ago!"
"Your not wrong, mr Budweiser"
by bottle-necked beauty May 22, 2004
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Someone who gets too drunk on the weekends then complains about how work is gonna suck tomorrow. Also known to put ho's before bro's and never takes his anytime shots from the bets that he loses.
Brian: Damn, Brady. I drank too much on a Sunday. Ugh, work is gonna suck tomorrow.
Brady: Care! Don't be such a fucking Kirk about it.
by Cockopotomous January 10, 2018
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The man who can’t catch fish
by zjc November 22, 2021
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To become insanely lit. Usually as relating to a party or social gathering of any sort.
That shit kirked off last night.

Bout to kirk off.
Shit bout to kirk.
by King urb January 30, 2018
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