(It could get like that) “An event or gathering that may and will most likely get out of control”
“Man tonight is gonna be crazy. It could really get like that

You going to that party?”
“Yeah I heard it could get like that
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The very worst consequence of ones actions: the universe could explode.
Bob: Hey, try this mushroom man!
Jack: Naw, i don't really want to
Bob: Oh, c'mon, whats the worst that could happen?
Jack: Well, um, the universe could explode.
by Van! June 29, 2007
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when a person is extremely hot, OR extremely angry and about to whoop some serious ass.
damn, that girl is smokin', if looks could kill...
by Allie O'Mally May 5, 2007
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This negative idiom refers to the medieval torture of using horses to stretch a prisoner and thereby force a confession.
Wild horses could not... stop me from leaving California.

Wild horses could not... get Hank to take off Brock's old jacket.
by LikeAHawk March 2, 2011
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Just anything you could do that a dog could do aswell.
A random dog. a dog could do it. E.g Spot, Lassie, Beethoven, Santa's Little Helper and Kipper.
by Dave Mute December 15, 2005
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This term means when someone looks at another person(or thing) and can imagine it dying. said person usually has good reason for these looks. often includes an unhappy facial expression, glares, and swearing under their breathe.
"Look at that girl!! the stapler keeps screwing up on her. If looks could kill, that stapler would be in a million pieces!"

"Geesh. if only looks could kill"
by X.x.Almost.Auttie.x.X October 14, 2011
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being so mad they could kill a baby.
How the fuck did the scum beat us. Mate, I could kill a baby right now
by FannyPatterson July 12, 2020
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